About the book

The How Well? Anthology is a compilation of illustrated short stories centered around ideas of community and mutual caretaking as antidotes to the corporately-driven, dominant notion of “Wellness” prevalent in the Western world today. Bringing together diverse perspectives from notable graphic narrative artists, and community members in the editors’ home city of Pittsburgh, the book is the outcome of a three-year project finding stories which represent alternatives to the insistence of neoliberalism that human wellbeing is earned solely through power and privilege.

A photo of the comic book ‘The How Well? Anthology’ featuring a pencil portrait of musician Crista Couture smiling and sitting holding on to her knees, with her brightly decorated prosthetic leg visible in front of her.
Single illustrated frame from one short story.  A Black woman with shoulder length hair and hoop earings says:  "Wellness is really, like, taking care of yourself:  Your mind.  Your body. And your soul, really."
A Black woman with short hair says: "Wellness to me is where I don't have a lot of pain or when it rains, I don't ache as much, or you know, when I'm sitting down, not having trouble getting up. Wellness to me is not only being well physically, but m

Purchase a copy

You can purchase a physical copy of the comic book through Radiator Comics. All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to initiatives serving the wellness needs of underrepresented communities.

Download the eBook

Download the eBook for free to help us reach more readers. We hope you enjoy these short stories about community-driven wellness and find yourself reflected within.